Another important factor was the falling price of investment goods relative to consumption goods. 另一个重要因素,是投资品价格相对消费品价格不断降低。
The countries ranked in the index account for about three-quarters of world foreign direct investment outflows and exports of goods and services. 包含在行贿指数中的国家在全球外国直接投资流出和货物及服务出口中所占比例为四分之三左右。
Now, the GDP deflator is an odd number in China. It consistently comes in higher than the CPI figure, mainly because investment is the dominant component in growth and the prices of investment goods have been rising faster than those for consumer goods. 应该指出,在中国,GDP平减指数是一个奇特的数据,它一贯高于CPI数据,主要是因为投资是增长的主要组成部分,而且投资品价格的上涨速度一直比消费品快。
Even in seeking to liberalise regional trade and investment in goods and services, ASEAN seems to have run out of steam. 甚至在寻求放开商品及服务的地区贸易和投资方面,东盟似乎也丧失了动力。
If the US deficit is to improve without lower US domestic demand, then a switch in investment towards traded goods will be needed. 如果美国想在不降低国内需求的情况下改善其贸易逆差,那么美国的投资就需要向贸易型商品转移。
The fourth part of the initiative would involve the immediate elimination of barriers to trade and investment in goods and services that contribute to energy efficiency and the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. 这一举措的第四部分,包括迅速消除贸易和商品及服务投资方面的壁垒,这些投资有助于提高能源效率,并减少二氧化碳排放。
In this regard, within the next 12 months, we will refrain from raising new barriers to investment or to trade in goods and services, imposing new export restrictions or implementing [ illegal] measures to stimulate exports. 在这方面,在今后12个月期间,我们将不对投资或商品及服务贸易树立新壁垒,施加新的出口限制,或者实施(非法的)措施来刺激出口。
He postulated that a world with a large financial sector and an excessive emphasis on the production of investment goods creates instability both in terms of output and prices. 他的假说认为,一个拥有庞大的金融业且过度强调投资品生产的世界,会导致产出与价格的不稳定。
"The sharp improvement in imports likely reflected strong domestic demand for capital goods as a result of stimulus investment and for consumer goods as a result of an unexpected consumption boom," said Sun Mingchun, of Nomura Securities. “进口明显好转,可能反映出对资本品和消费品的国内需求十分旺盛,前者是由于刺激计划中的投资,后者则是由于出人意料的消费热潮,”野村证券(nomurasecurities)的孙明春表示。
Joint Determination of Pricing, Order Quantity and Advertising Investment for Perishable Goods 易逝品最优定价、订货量和广告投入的联合确定
Capital service ratio Contractual service payments on long-term debt plus remitted profits on direct investment divided by exports of goods and services. 资本还本付息比率即长期债务合同规定的还本付息支付额,加上外国直接投资的汇出利润,除以货物和劳务出口额。
There are private and public services in sports, and so is the investment for sports service goods production, but the main investment should be public. 体育服务存在着私人性和公共性之分,生产体育服务的物资投资也是如此,但体育投资的主体是公共投资。
At present the supply of rural public goods in Henan province is scarce and unreasonable in structure. The regional difference between rural per capita income and per capita investment in public goods in Henan province is becoming big gradually. 当前,河南省农村公共物品供给匮乏且结构不合理,河南省农村人均收入和人均累计公共物品投资的地区差距在逐渐拉大。
On the base of knowledge on game theory, this paper established a mathematical model on players 'unconstraint investment in public goods under the condition of complete information within enterprise. With this background, we analyzed the problem of the enterprise' culture construction. 本文以博弈论的理论为基础,建立了在完全信息下企业内部公共物品的自愿投资行为模型,并以此为背景分析了企业文化建设的问题。
The IOO table reflects the following: investment, labor and goods input from each sector of national economy to water resources sector; 中国9大流域水利投入占用产出表反映了国民经济各部门对水利部门的资金、劳动力和各种商品及劳务的投入数量;
The realistic meaning of studying public goods lies in public investment on public goods will create new production capacity, will be the important factor of the final economic demand. 研究公共物品的现实意义在于公共物品的投资将创造新的生产能力,成为构成最终经济需求的重要因素。
Analysis on the Strategy of Direct Investment abroad of Sports Goods Enterprises 我国体育用品企业实施对外直接投资的策略分析
By econometric testing, we find that inflation volatility could influence the changes in actual stock returns. This means that changes in price not only affects the substitutions of consumption goods, but also those of investment goods. 我们检验发现,通货膨胀率的波动能够影响股票实际收益率的变化,这说明价格水平变化不仅影响消费品之间的替代,也影响投资品之间的替代。
The voluntary investment in public goods is not only the behavior of a non-profit group under the commission and operation of an enterprise ′ s authority, but also one of the components of an enterprise ′ s culture construction. 企业内公共物品的自愿投资活动是在企业权威授意和操作下的非盈利团队活动,也是企业文化建设的一个组成部分。
Housing as private property, its share of property gradually increase in the households. As investment products and trading goods, the real estate is extremely active in the market economy. 房屋作为私有财产,在居民家庭财产中的份额逐步加大;作为投资品和交易物品的房地产,在市场经济中备受关注并极其活跃。
So we should treat rationally and regard it as the object of drinking rather than a panacea and investment goods, because the former is its main function, the latter is the function of its derivation. 因此,我们应理性对待普洱茶,把其当做品茗的对象,而不是投资品和灵丹妙药。因为后者是其衍生的功能,前者才是其主要的功能。
In recent years, along with the development of real estate industry, the attribute of appreciation of property, as investment goods, emerges individually. The proportion of house which is bought for investment is more and more high. 近年来,随着房地产业的蓬勃发展,房地产作为投资品的增值属性逐步显现,投资性购房在市场中所占的比例日益增高。
For related benefits 'manipulating and competing, Pu' er Tea is completely changed. It is no longer a kinder of tea, instead, it has become symbols of a high-return investment goods and a panacea. 在众多利益主体的操弄争夺之下,普洱茶完全变味,已不仅仅是一种饮品了,而成了高回报的投资品和灵丹妙药的象征符号。
Different from other Investment goods, the real estate has dualities which are invested and consumption. 和其它投资品不同,房地产具有特殊的二重性,即既具有投资属性,又兼具耐用消费属性。
Under the background of ensuring global energy crisis, food crisis and financial crisis, food is regarded as industrial, financial and investment goods. Most countries perceive food security as an important content of national strategy and public policy. 在全球相继发生能源危机、粮食危机及金融危机背景下,粮食被赋予了工业品、金融品、投资品等多重属性,各国纷纷把粮食安全作为国家战略和公共政策的重要内容。
The author also finds that the urban-rural income gap never decrease if there are farm sector investment of public goods in the initial condition of the shortage of farm public goods and the huge gap of urban-rural income. 模型还发现,如果在农业部门公共品供给不足且存在较大的城乡收入差距的初始状态下,政府即使将非农部门产出的某一固定比例进行农业部门公共品投资,城乡收入差距仍然不会自动减小。
Secondly, it establishes and tests the theoretical expectation model of RD investment cost of information goods RD innovation rent through empirical research, and quantitively analyzes the spillover risk in the information goods supply chain RD cooperation as well. 其次,通过计量实证研究提出并检验了信息产品研发创新租金的研发投入成本的理论预期模型,同时对信息产品供应链研发合作溢出风险进行了量化分析。
So, why the international investment and intermediate goods trade will exhibit the above characteristics? We know that, contemporary international vertical specialization ( or division of labor within the product) is dominated by multinational corporations. 那么,国际投资和中间品贸易为何会表现出上述特征?我们知道,当代国际垂直专业化生产(或产品内分工)是由跨国公司主导的。